
March 4, 2010

No country for old men?

Filed under: Uncategorized — bentrem @ 3:30 pm

My daily life is inspired by the sure and certain knowledge that psychopaths are well placed and energetically directing their will while “the best lack all conviction“.


I tweeted this a few minutes ago: “The Caveat” on persuasion > < Not 2hrs ago I commented on “Persuasion” at “Practical Democracy” > <

That got me thinking about basic principles.

I avoid teleology. But …

In the most perverse case, a good tradesman / craftsman / technician will deploy the wrong hardware in the wrong place to serve the wrong function, but deploy it well.

It’s like the difference between “precision” and “accuracy”; an answer can be extremely precise and totally wrong.

Unless activity is in-formed by a deep sense of praxis … unless practice and theory are tightly coupled, solutions can be wonderfully precise and even in some sense “effective” but all the while almost entirely beside the point. No better example than to get popular support for a policy by harnessing narrow self-interest and engaging personality politics.

Just sayin’ …

January 29, 2008

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Web « VCMike’s Blog

Filed under: praxis, semanticweb, theory — Tags: , — bentrem @ 8:04 pm

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Web” on VCMike’s blog got me thinking about what I intended with this blog … not just tech and methods and process, the technology and mechanics, but the ground, the terrain, the foundations of individual experience that makes us social in general and communicative in particular

Apparently “polyphasic” has come to mean something about a sleep disorder. Too bad. Once upon a time it captured something quite subtle about the way we work.

Anyone who’s worked in a truly real-time environment has the visceral understanding. Some things need to be done “now”, meaning they can wait a few seconds or even a couple of minutes. (I’m imagining being at the controls of a radio station doing a live broadcast.) while others need to be done “now” as in “this very instant”. (With some functions we time a switch flick to within .5 seconds … “punching in” during music recording requires even finer timing.)
This reminds me of cog-psych on interactivity with computers: anything less than .8 seconds seems instantaneous; less than 2 seconds seems real time; a 5 second delay results in measurable stress responses; more than 8 seconds and most people bail.

The cliche “You have mail” doesn’t require an instantaneous response, while a ringing phone usually calls for either instantaneous or something like not at all.

In complex working environments (I did radio for Search and Rescue … there can be a lot of things in flow at once. I can only imagine an operating room.) there are multiple streams each with their own rhythm and pace. (The Yahoo!Pipes feed I created last week deals with exactly that aspect; Digg and reddit flood compared to some personal blogs that I also want to monitor.) When activity streams with very different paces intersect you have more than asynchrony: like with an impedance mis-match, you have friction and loss of signal … not just chaos, but noise.

My intuition (combination cog/social-psych and abdhidharma) is that individuals experience a very pleasant feeling when they’re engaged with something nearing the “7 variables at once” that marks temporary memory … like with a well designed video game.

If/when that experience just happens to be productive … the Inbox shrinks and the ToDo list becomes more realistic … IMNSHO that’s pretty close to “peak experience”.

What amazes me constantly is how much punishment individuals can soak up and still persist, despite the frustrations. We really are an amazing species!

January 4, 2008

Beyond Glib Trivia: Trifling 24/7 with “social objects”

Filed under: borg, matrix, philosophy, praxis, theory — bentrem @ 1:51 pm

*This article presumes you have at least a little bit of experience with Twitter. (Are we gonna call that constellation / complex a “social object”?)
Also: I’m writing this as I get ready to dash out the door.*

Homo ludens reduced to flocks of ADD magpies?!! If the tactical view that results in this skew produces substantial economic rewards, does that make it valid? And if valid, how about responsible? (Remembering that marketing agents are always citizens and community members.)

“[F]oundationalism tilts the attention of philosophers in the direction of ontological simples, for it is held that in relation to the latter knowledge secure against doubt is more easily attainable. Philosophers are thus shielded from any concern with the complex mesoscopic (medium-sized, middle-range, human-scale) objects of our everyday environment and of the social world, since the latter is, after all, a realm of mere opinion, not worthy of the attention of those striving after rigour.”
Social Objects“, by Barry Smith, Department of Philosophy
Center for Cognitive Science, and National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis
University at Buffalo

For example, someone tweets, “Brushing my hair and wondering about makeup”. Easy enough to dismiss that as nonsense, but is it really? Well, its a plausible sentence, even if it’s so severely self-referential. But as a communicative gesture, is it meaningful? Might be; the tweeter’s friends might be monitoring their posse’s tweets as they congregate for a party, so this would in effect communicate, “Moving in your general direction but kinda distracted; not really rushing.” That could be read into the original, rather vacuous blurt.
But let’s say there’s no such depth, let’s say it’s as self-involved as it seems to be … in its superficiality it operates as a communicative gesture none the less, in this reading indicating a painful pointlessness. Have I yet managed to reduce that person’s moment to a mere anthropological artefact? A mere datum in some sociological computation, one dot in a thick cluster of such dots, the human being as though ceases to live and breath.
(Yes of course I’m being polemical; get with the program, please … if you don’t you will likely at some point feel that I’m directing my contempt at you. Trust that I have no punitive urges, and then get a grip: we aren’t in a really really really happy time.)
The tweeter, bottom line, tweeted. Maybe only about hair brushing, and maybe only as a signal to her friends … and maybe not even for that. But s/he tweeted. So where’s the “social object”? Is it the tweet? or the whole twitter system and the tweets that comprise it, along with the software? Or maybe *where’s that damned drummer when I need a drum roll?!* the “social object” is the tweeter along with his/her friends. Now there‘s a notion that could be monetized, right?

By way of exploring my surround in this moment, let me present these extracts:

gapingvoid: “cartoons drawn on the back of business cards”: “social objects for beginners“:

“Another thing to remember is the world of Social Objects can have many layers. As with any complex creature, there can be more than one reason for us to be together. So anybody currently dating a cute girl who’s into not just Saul Bellow, but also into bowling and cellphones and Star Wars and swish Charity Balls as well, will know what I mean.
The final thing to remember is that, Social Objects by themselves don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Sure, it’s nice hanging out with Lee talking about Star Wars. But if Star Wars had never existed, you’d probably still enjoy each other’s company for other reasons, if they happened to present themselves. Human beings matter. Being with other human beings matter. And since the dawn of time until the end of time, we use whatever tools we have at hand to make it happen.

This is really fabulous. In my writings on discourse I remind that for most of our history we have passed the long evenings and nights watching Caveman TV, i.e. we’d sit around the fire sharing stories, subjective narratives that were mundane yet pithy, with most individuals connecting existentially with most of the story-tellers and their experience.

In this next one I think I detect the inversion / reduction I’ve been fearing / anticipating since I noticed the “social object” meme ricochetting through the twittosphere.

gapingvoid: “why the "social object" is the future of marketing“:

“When you and Pam met for coffee, you interacted with each other in the context of what anthropologists call “Object-Centerd Sociality”. In other words, you did not socialize in a vacuum, you socialized around objects, you socialized around things. You talked about the Cubs game last week. You talked about how Billy was doing in Third Grade. You talked about this great movie you just saw. You talked about great Pam’s coffee was. And yes, you talked, however briefly, about Brand X. All these things you talked about, an anthropologist would call “Social Objects”. And the thing is, you came over just to chew the fat with Pam. Talking about Billy or the movie or the Cubs game was not part of any pre-agenda. You could’ve talked about other things- books, records, home furnishings, it doesn’t matter- and you would’ve enjoyed your coffee with Pam just as much.”

Do you see it? The Cubs’ game as “object”? Well, I guess, sure, for the sake of the argument, yaa. (That’s arguendo, ok?) And someone’s Billy going to 3rd grade … *cough* … school as object? Growing up as “object”? Billy as object? *Hey, you … yaa you in the back of the room, and your friends too … you wanna get into social analytics but you’re snickering and mocking cuz “Geeez, ‘object’ is juhst a wehrd, get ohvuhr it.” I won’t tell you how foolish that is. Ever hear, “Tell a fool he’s being foolish and he’ll call you a fool”? No, I thot not. STFU, k?*

So, where are we now … ok, right, that very sensitive and acute presentation. *Don’t project sarcasm!! It doesn’t work online and I don’t use it. You wanna project? Project yourself with something like rigour and an appreciation of how hubris kills.* … it really does a good job of presenting the social dimension. So what am I going on about?

The moment draws nigh when we take one more step: “you came over just to chew the fat with Pam” … right. But what happens when we use “social objects” as our lens? We see that entirely social impulse in terms of transaction … the title of the piece is “marketing” and properly so: what we’ve done here is reduced the whole to an exchange between providers and consummers. Hence the booming trade in A-list quality blog posts? The endless flurry of widgets and doodads and bobbles?

In yet another from gapingvoid (whom I enjoy and appreciate tremendously) this thing cracks me right in the forehead, viz.: more thoughts on social objects:

“Yesterday at the Darden talk I explained why geeks have become so important to marketing. My definition of a geek is, “Somebody who socializes via objects.” When you think about it, we’re all geeks. Because we’re all enthusiastic about something outside ourselves. For me, it’s marketing and cartooning. for others, it could be cellphones or Scotch Whisky or Apple computers or NASCAR or the Boston Red Sox or Bhuddism.”

Preeeeeeezactly! Right on the button wrong.

I’ve been trying to work my way around to saying, “This theoretical gambit is fine as far as it goes, but it doesn’t go very far”. Clever, no? But I’m saying the opposite: this theoretical gambit is a Frankenstein.
1st: everybody might be interested in things “outside themselves”, in some sense … but how much of that interest pertains uniquely and exclusively with reference to “self”? Last time I checked we aren’t setting new records for harmony, ammity, and social justice! *Heyyyy you! STFU with “It’s those uther fohk who make all the trublz.”* Ok fine, so specific items on the Daily Me conveyor belt can be negotiated in trade with those other blobs for yet.more superficial self-esteem and yet.more superficial social standing … the social utility of narcissism and solipsism … someone tell me where there’s something new here!

Oh, right, sihly me I forgot for a moment: The objectification of transactions with others and of the others themselves … with “friends” faces adorning the MySpace or FaceBook like hunting trophies, war prizes … the shrunken heads of the living dead.
Bro’, if you want to turn “marketing” into an object, I guess I can’t really stop you. I can caution you, though, which is what I’m doing here.
And if you want to define yourself and your relations with others in terms of iPod and cellphones and DVDs, well, absolutely nothing new there. (Anybody remember reading Fromm’s “To Have or to Be”? No? Anybody remember the book? *sigh* No? *shudder* Anyone remember the author?)
And you just happened to nail me in the eye with that last one. (No diss intended here, no offense taken.) I won’t quibble you about the spelung; buddy’s name was “Buddha” … so it’s Buddhism. But more important, if there’s something in my life that constantly reminds me, in the rainbow-coloured manifold of the ever-fresh warm/moist moment, not to objectify / reify / alienate, it’s buddhadharma. (For those of you more psychologically inclined: abhidharma.)
The glorification of “more trinkets! more toys!” … the insidious flabber-gabbing of social awareness.

If I heard someone going on about “social objects” around the campfire I’d get edgy … I’d prolly form the impression that such a person was angling to take advantage of me, and of us.
Oh, right … the blog post was about “marketing”. Heh … what was I thinking?! (Ok, now that is sarcasm.)

And in case you think I’m j/k and way off the mark: just now I googled to find a few more posts from other authors, and came across this zinger … with which I will abandon this post … I’m 20 minutes late for 1PM.

“Whether you realize it or not, you are a marketer. The thing you are marketing to the world is yourself.”
Adam Goucher, “Social Objects and Testing”

#matrix #borg

Let’s all ponder “reification” for a moment now and again. Okay? *Dewwwwwd! Settle down! No biggie! Don’t sweat it! “Google is our friend”, remember?*


*this is incomplete*

Something like a motto I’ve come up with through my years on LiveJournal: “Even when you don’t care, it still matters.”
What is more characteristic and indicative of hubris than the sadly mistaken and dangerously deluded notion that an individual’s whimsical and often ill-considered preference and/or opinion determines the nature of “objective reality”? As Sam Johnson said concerning Bishop Berkeley’s esse est percipi, “I refute him thusly!”, giving a rock a good kick.

p.s. I sometimes describe my Gnodal “participatory deliberation” system as “operationalizing discourse” … but I do that with reference to Habermas … and I consciously strive to avoid technocatic dehumanization, whatever the commercial ramifications.
Like Huckabee said just last night, “People are more important than purse.” …
… there’s more to life than commerce, and I resent constantly being seen as a customer, and constantly being “sold”. !j/k … get it?

p.s.2 Remember the way Wiley Coyote could step off a cliff and stay suspended til the nature of his situation dawned on him? Do we really believe that blithe ignorance or some sophistic gambit actualizes as altered reality?
Let me put it this way: if you were in ER or OR for good reason, and you came to know that the staff their related to you as a “social object”, would that be reassuring? Do you feel better as an “object of attention”? How about being a “unit of consumption”, you feeling demeaned yet?


Epilogue: I admit to not having been entirely forthright; my point in this whole has been to set the stage for one single charge, that is, the world being as the world is no citizen has a right to contrived naivete; that form of free-ridership is just plain feckles. (There’s often reason goof and plenty for fear; what vigorous society entertains, indulges, and / or condones cowardice? If we aren’t stupid then we cannot take shelter behind acts of stupidity; to do so is merely dishonest and manipulating, deceptive and intentionally false.)
Greeting the world with all and everyone in it … that’s maturity. It doesn’t mean leaving your wallet on your desk when you walk down the hall to get coffee. To be reasonable is not to be hard-hearted and paranoid. It’s all about balance, don’t you agree?
So one of my balance points is this: there will always be snake-oil salesmen and charlatans to take “honest folk” for their money, hard-earned or otherwise. And those types will always latch on to the newest techniques of *cough* motivation.
Not to put a fine point on it: jingoistic sophists study the ways of manipulation. And when some dandy phrase arises out of academe into public usage, bet a buck or two on them twisting it to their own use.
The simplest form of distortion is to over-simplify. And that’s what’s happening here: “social object” used blithely with folk who ought know better by instinct … makes my skin creep, that does.
Here’s one scholarly presentation of how the phrase is meant to capture the depth of things, rather than suck the life blood of whatever its pressed upon:

“Searle’s answer is that social objects are higher order objects whose inferiora are constituted by physical objects, which account for their apparent concreteness. The price, for instance, is that of 25 centiliters of a particular kind of liquid, namely beer; the citizen of the United States in question weighs roughly 73 kilos (and the waiter has a weight too, even if we don’t know his exact weight); money typically consists of pieces of metal and paper. When we enter the social world, then, we are not entering some sort of spiritual sphere, but rather a mixture of physical objects and psychological acts often associated with speech acts (but this is not always required, given that sometimes a simple handshake may suffice, for instance, to come to an agreement).”
1. – “A Huge Invisible Ontology”; 1.1. Searle’s Beer
“Outlines of A Theory of Social Objects”, by Maurizio Ferraris, (February 2005)
Festschrift Rodolfo Sacco
accessed 18:45MST 04JAN08


BTW: as with EMS/SR (“Hurry, but never rush!”) so with politics … “SlowFlying” – 2008

December 29, 2007

Some name it: greed

Filed under: matrix, philosophy, praxis — bentrem @ 10:50 pm

Behind my talk of “sophistry” and “plausible deniability” is the primordiality of what cab be only called and what must be called “evil”.

At this stage I talk about Matrix and BluePill, not vampires and such-like antique imagery. My reason for shifting is simple and single: through my previous work on psychopathy (see my “Fallen Angels“, dating from 1996; I recommend “Without Conscience” [now at google books!], by UBC’s Dr. Robert Hare, and M. Scott Peck’s “People of the Lie” [Amazon]) I confirmed an early anticipation: focusing on the pathology is likely to have one en-thralled. (I say “likely” because it’s evidently not inevitable, for e.g. Eric Fromm, so many fine books; academically I suggest “Anatomy of Human Destructiveness” [Amazon])

So … in the midst of marketing bottled water while neo-liberals monopolize water rights … while we’re still clear-cutting … while species and ancient languages are dying off … while the water rises … I rant against “yuppies’ kidz”. An, elsewhere, I caution that karma is inexorable.

But just now heh … the (omnipresent) ad-link in my gmail quizzed, “You think you’re liberal?” … and this is what it pointed at (BTW: neo-conservatives are paradigmatically judgmental and punitive):


We are a punitive society. We use the death penalty and routinely issue long prison terms for drug offenses. Three-strike policies can mean a life sentence for a petty crime. We make a lot of moral talk about pedophilia, drug use, teen pregnancy and welfare dependency. But nobody talks about the epidemic of cheating.David Callahan, in his book The Cheating Culture, says everybody’s doing it: job applicants, brokers, golfers, reporters, taxpayers, lawyers, insurance payers, employees, athletes, salesmen, students. A cheating culture has emerged.

Cheating has always occurred, but Callahan traces a marked increase since 1970s. He says it’s connected to the free market ethic. It jumped after President Reagan was elected …”

BTW: Scott Peck wrote another book, this one related on another vector. In “Death of Civility” he talks about those who see every social exchange in terms of commercial transaction … those who are en-thralled, but not by evil … those who eat BluePill out of bowls every day.

Tools in-form us, sometimes for the good

Filed under: links, philosophy, praxis — bentrem @ 1:01 pm

In his “The TrueTalk Blog: One More From Andrew Sullivan…” Tom Guarriello quotes from an interview in The Atlantic:

” The task of talking out loud about one’s own mistakes is a very helpful thing to do. […] Blogging is a whole new way of writing, and a new way of experiencing the world.” [How about “can be“? – bdt]

What caught my eye was Tom’s “That business about experiencing the world differently as a result of blogging […] It changed the way I moved through the world, made me more observant and reflective.”

In my comment to his post I wrote “you’ve captured the essence of something broader and more general.”

“since my main point is about valuing subjective narrative, well, heh, I can’t try to just blow you off! *grin*
So I’m going to loft your assertion into a different orbit, where blogging will happily co-exist with spontaneous poetry or weaving or any other principled practice. That’s ok, yes?”

In the vajrayana wisdom tradition the power of transformation in-forms a person’s view so /nothing/ is destructive. But that’s to them, in that situation. I feel the need to emphasize that this doesn’t mean all influences are beneficial. I don’t see that novel forms and venues for expression are necessarily edifying or liberating; I’d far rather than principled practitioners called potential by its right name and thereby enable some form of critical consciousness: neither “doom and gloom” nor Polyanna in rose-coloured glasses.

Sullivan’s “talking out loud about one’s own mistakes” resonates most deeply in me: my analogy has always been the group conversation we have experienced around all the campfires that drew us together over our long history … narratives, self-reflection, instrospection, conversation … in short: discourse. But isn’t it jejeuene/naive to say that the oceans of drivle we see in blogs and chat rooms evidences self-emancipation?

“Growing up” is inevitable, unless one dies young. And so is growing old. But there’s nothing inevitable about the authentic sanity that marks the mature adult. And blogging doesn’t make it so. (Nor does tweeting … but danged close! *grin*)

War strategies … for daily life?

Filed under: matrix, philosophy, theory — bentrem @ 11:27 am

Who like to be manipulated? Okay, someone who thrives on receiving “strong leadership”. Coerced? Awww gee, okay, someone who’s into sadism, masochism, and bondage. Lied to? *silence* Even S&M fans anticipate that their “safe word” will be respected; even with “edge cases” there’s the assumption that some sort of social contract still obtains.

My contention is that the “war strategies” (such as spin) that are being insinuated into our daily lives (through marketing, commercial and political both) operate without that social contract, the “spin” presumes a pure zero-sum game, where gain is the single aim and the absolute arbiter, where the other human beings in our surround are viewed as objects that offer an opportunity to be exploited. In short: the tactic of “dehumanizing the enemy” now in-forms our mundane communications.

“The War Room: Political Strategies for Business, NGOs, and Anyone Who Wants to Win” (at google books) by Warren Kinsella

“The term war room, in political parlance, was coined by the team of U.S. strategists (specifically James Carville) who worked for Bill Clinton’s first presidential campaign in the early 1990s. In a nutshell, a war room is a political command centre where a candidate’s strategists and media officers work to counter attacks by opponents while gathering research to mount an offensive in an ongoing, immediate fashion. Warren Kinsella’s The War Room profiles and analyzes some of the best political warriors and spinners around. [A] generous amounts of humour [delivers] a book about what it takes to survive challenges not just in politics but in any kind of business or non-governmental agency, whether it sells music, movies, cars, or computers, or raises money to preserve the environment, combat cancer, or save animals.”

My point isn’t that we’re blithely unaware of the manipulation we’re subjected to but, rather, that we are often aware of it and, powerless to act, this dissonance wears down our sense of self, the bed-rock of our personal identities, the deep source of authenticity and integrity.

In my studies of psychopath con-men (They’re almost invariably male.) and the people they hurt I noticed an odd constant: in most cases where the victim had something like a social network there were usually at least a couple of people who saw what was going on, who had a strong feeling that there was an outrage taking place. That sense (common sense?) was commonly depicted in words such as, “Anybody could tell, all you had to do was look at what was happening.” My point is that the victims of psychopaths’ manipulation seemed to lack a certain type of perceptivity, or had suspended that capacity. I’m suggesting that, in our daily lives, we’re so often twisted by those tensions that we become warped and eventually surrender … at some point we opt in and take the BluePill and immediately lose our mindfulness of Matrix.

BlogBuffer 28DEC07

Filed under: blogbuffer, links, philosophy, praxis, theory — bentrem @ 1:33 am

*1st cut - this might not work, but I'm going to try the blog-style I was using in '96*

Towards the principles of open government data Filed under: Geekery)” (tweeted to me by Gervis)

The goal of this weekend’s Open Government Principles workshop at O’Reilly and Associates was to draft a set of principles to define what constitutes open government data. The people drafting these principles were, for the most part, activists who believe that widespread sharing and creative presentation of government data can create a better-informed citizenry. In other words, they’re data junkies – the perfect folks to create a demanding list of what geeks, journalists and the citizens they serve need to access government data as easily as possible.”

Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » MIT Press places free chapter by Howard Rheingold online – December 9th, 2007

“The contents of the book Civic Life Online: Learning How Digital Media Can Engage Youth was posted online by MIT Press this week. It contains a chapter by Howard Rheingold titled “Using Participatory Media and Public Voice to Encourage Civic Engagement.””

“A Democracy of Groups”by Beth Simone Noveck, at FirstMonday – from the abstract:

“Electronic democracy theorists have either focused on the individual and the state, disregarding the collaborative nature of public life, or they remain wedded to outdated and unrealistic conceptions of deliberation. This article makes two central claims. First, technology will enable more effective forms of collective action. This is particularly so of the emerging tools for “collective visualization” which will profoundly reshape the ability of people to make decisions, own and dispose of assets, organize, protest, deliberate, dissent and resolve disputes together. From this argument derives a second, normative claim. We should explore ways to structure the law to defer political and legal decision–making downward to decentralized group–based decision–making.”

Again by Beth Simone Noveck, in the Winter 2008 *blink* edition of “Democracy; a journal of ideas:
Wiki-Government – How open-source technology can make government decision-making more expert and more democratic“:

“Although political legitimacy demands accountability to an electoral process, those living in a democracy readily submit to what sociologist Michael Schudson calls the “permanent embarrassment” of expertise. We believe that administrative governan[…] The justification for this professional decision-making, articulated by theorists ranging from Max Weber to Walter Lippmann, is that while citizens can express personal opinions based on values, they are incapable of making fact-based decisions on matters of policy. For Weber, the complexities of modern governance call for “the personally detached and strictly objective expert.” […] And citizen participation is hard to organize and administer, and even harder to scale. […] Now, however, new technology may be changing the relationship between democracy and expertise, affording an opportunity to improve competence by making good information available for better governance.”

December 7, 2007

Lemming bait

Filed under: matrix, praxis, semanticweb — bentrem @ 11:50 am

In a longish article on APML, “Attention Profiling”, MasterNewMedia writes:

“We have reached the point of information hyper-saturation. It can become quite a chore to find relevant content online, when there is so much other information competing for your attention. But by implementing attention profiling, it becomes possible to have the services and websites you visit begin to make suggestions for content that you might be interested in.”

I can’t feel comforted by the thought that darkly secret algorithms are going to steer the masses’ information grazing.

April 11, 2007

Sentient and interconnected

Filed under: philosophy, praxis, semanticweb — bentrem @ 12:40 pm

A video by Michael Wesch – Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology – Kansas State University:

NB: users need to use special markup for YourTube, i.e.:
[ youtube=] (remove the space after the left square bracket)

I call my project “Participatory Deliberation” and it’s like I was talking about the mating rituals of some alien species. (Actually, that would get more response.) I describe what other folk are working on (like “By writing down information, we want to express facts about ideas and concepts in your own, subjective world.”) and connect that to what we need to do, as in “So much heat, so little light!” or “Ground Zero“:

“the absence of informed and thoughtful public input into decision making is all the more troublesome. Not only does such absence undermine the actual democratic character of many policy decisions, the numerous after-the-fact popular resistances to those policy choices only contributes to ineffective and inefficient government”

And here’s the irony: what moves me (read: it cramps my guts) is that “new” tools and “new” methods are just getting folk to move faster … and think less.

It’s ironic … paradoxical. Like telling someone that they’ve just lost their hearing; all I can expect is a blank and empty stare. No, no blame … no condemntation, not even judgment.

If you really can’t hear, if you really cannot focus, if you actually are unable of stringing more than 3 thoughts together, well then … shows tuh go ya that what I’m talking about is truly important. Which makes me feel kinda sad … ironic, nae?

be well
it’s important for more than just yourselves

March 26, 2007

Jean Baudrillard, dead March 7th.

Filed under: news, theory — bentrem @ 6:21 pm

*thanks to Jahsonic for the heads up; it’s news to me. see his site: “Truth“*

Jean Baudrillard, 1929-2007 (obituary at Guardian); Remember Baudrillard (profile at

“Yes, hyper-scepticism. Intellectuals must stop legitimizing the notion that there is some “ultimate truth” behind appearances. Then, maybe, the masses will turn their backs on the media and public opinion management will collapse.” –Baudrillard

We tell one another false storie, in order to get away with stuff, in order to manipulate others, in order to get something we don’t rightly believe … lots of reasons.

“Truth”, quite aside from what the great powers will tell you, is based on the stories we tell one another. Truth is what we say it is.

Yes of course rocks are hard, not soft … and ceilings are up, not down … those are matters of fact. But the truths we care about … those are the product of us as people, living our lives, truth is what we make of our experiences.

There’s lots of falseness around and that will always be, until we cleanse ourselves entirely of pathology, which ain’t likely. But I suspect that what poxes us more gravely is a shortage a mere simple truth. And that’s up to us.

Remembering Jean Baudrillard at “Post-Modern Thought”

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